Divine Feminine Marches in Defiance
Watching the Woman’s March on Jan 21 the day after the inauguration felt to me like a vision of the Divine Feminine activated in defense of her people. The Goddess Kahli called out to them issuing a challenge to the entire nation to face our shadow and dark side. And, not surprisingly the Divine Feminine responded embodying the positive energy needed in our time. The negative dark energy was institutionalized the day before and immediately millions responded. The march made space for everyone showing openness to the Soul of every individual person and each ethnic, social, economic and religious group. In addition there were many examples of the Sacred Masculine joining in the process.
For many years I have had the sense that, if there is a heaven, Jesus, Moses, Abraham, Mohamad, Buddha, and Shiva often sat together in tears over what their followers had done. On this day my sense was that for the first time in decades they were all dancing together in ecstasy over what their followers were doing.
Now, the struggle has just begun and the crucial thing is follow up. There is an old saying in the community organization profession that goes, “He who stays longest wins the most.” And so follow up is crucial.
And in this posting I will share some of what are my intentions for action in this time. Some are broad and general. Some are very specific. Some are ritual and some are political. It is my hope that others will share some of their plans and intentions as reaction to this post.
1. Stay close to the people you love and who love you. We will need that love deeply in the coming years. When we gather we don’t have to talk politics. We just need to love each other. We can gather with “like hearted” people sometimes to talk and strategize politically. But sometimes it is enough to rejoice in each other’s presence. Sometimes it is important to play, have a barbecue and dance.
2. It is important for us to follow news and know what is happening but not get stuck in its negativity. We need to know and be very alert and also to step back. I don’t need to read every piece of news and listen to every broadcast. Mostly I read headlines and then choose very carefully which articles will truly increase my knowing.
3. In these times self-care is crucial. Our spiritual practices whatever they may be will be crucial to maintaining our energy and light. Without them we are subject to burn out and the kind of inflation that plagued the protests of the 1960s. I will be emphasizing my meditation practice connecting to strength and light from Spirit. I will also be lighting a candle every day as a way to both honor the light and help metabolize the negative energy. Pray, dream, write, meditate, and worship in traditional communities. Engage in whatever rituals bring meaning to you in this time. We need to use every single spiritual resource we have. One of my self-care efforts is in building a musical playlist of songs of protest, affirmation and guidance. (I’ve never down loaded individual songs in this manner. When I shared this plan with my grandchildren they expressed pleasure that there just might be hope for me to join the 21st century.)
4. There are individual “political” actions we can take in the midst of our lives. In this vein, my biggest intention is to write letters to those who are endangered or bullied and those who take positive stances. I have called the local mosque and simply left a voice mail saying I am glad they are here and I value my Muslim neighbors. The Worcester Jewish Community Center was evacuated this week because of a bomb scare. I intend to write to them expressing similar appreciation. In addition, Congressman John Lewis and Actor Meryl Streep will receive letters from me expressing my respect for them since they were targets of bullying on Twitter. These are simple actions which can be taken by anyone in their home. Imagine if after each incident of bullying the target received dozens of letters. There would be dozens of loving lights shining in the darkness.
5. In addition there will be opportunities for more marching and other acts of civil disobedience. If I march, I will do so not in protest but in affirmation of the beauty and value of all of my neighbors and their right to be here. If there is some kind of Muslim registry I and many other plan to register. If as many register who marched that system will likely break down.
6. Economic actions may in fact be the most effective efforts. We can begin to respond to negative media sites by informing those who advertise on those sites and programs that we will no longer purchase their products. And equally important, inform those who drop sponsorship of right wing hate speech that we will purchase their products. For example, Kellogg cereals recently dropped all advertising on the Breitbart web site. They received many letters from right wing groups in opposition to this action. We can inform them of our action and support. South Carolina passed legislation discriminating against transgendered people’s use of bathrooms. They experienced many, many cancellations of events from groups refusing to go to the state and the legislation is now being debated. Money speaks and influences.
As an engaged mystic I come to these issues not simply as one who is interested in politics although obviously it is true that I am. Rather I come to this because it is a means to embody the sense that Spirit is encountered in all things. This crisis however unwanted, is an opportunity to embody the spiritual path by being engaged with the world. It is a crisis that serves a higher purpose if we respond by awakening ourselves to the pain in the world.
Finally, as this posting was being completed our country erupted with reaction to a clearly unconstitutional travel ban from Muslim countries. My basic response is, “May God continue to bless the immigration lawyers.”
Please feel free to add your strategies to the comments section.
Thank you for this post. I am grateful to have been able to march with my preteen daughter and raise our voices in support of those who have been oppressed and marginalized. It is a shared experience that we will never forget! These are perplexing times, but I will strive to remain open, present, and hopeful.
February 19, 2017
Thank you for your comment. It suggests an important strategy of not only being close to our families but including them in our dialogue and action whenever we can. Children are important in this.
February 21, 2017