The ‘Law’ of Attraction #1
This posting and the next two will focus on the ‘Laws’ of attraction, resonance and attention. Clear understanding of these phenomena are some of the most empowering tools for spiritual growth. When well understood, they describe life at its most deep and productive levels. This posting will lay the ground work. The next will develop a view of the pros and cons of them. And, finally, I will reflect on living in the light of their powerful impact.
Two Preliminary Considerations
1. As I have researched and studied this material, I have discovered that there are essentially two separate schools of thought with minimal interaction between them and little actual critical thinking on the part of either side. The first school accepts these laws with little reflection, often insisting that any deviation from them is heresy implying that those who question must function at a lower vibrational level and are thus incapable of full and thorough spiritual understanding. These are the ‘attraction fundamentalists.’ The second group sees this as all ‘new age babel.’ They become the ‘rationalism fundamentalists.’ Members of this groups scoff at the concepts and see those who believe in them as naïve, unsophisticated and uncapable of complex thought. Each side is very condescending toward the other. In this way they are very similar as though they are the flipsides of the same coin. Perhaps a condescending attitude attracts its reflection. In these blogs I want develop BOTH a deep appreciation for the phenomena and be clear about their limits.
2. Calling these phenomena “Laws” is not really helpful. They are not laws in the empirical, measurable, quantifiable sense. Attraction is not a law as gravity is a law operating at basically the same consistency everywhere on earth regardless of human involvement. Calling them ‘laws’ implies a reliance on a belief in, however unconscious, a Newtonian Physics and a view of the Earth as fundamentally inert and passive. This is a science that believes that all things can be reduced to physical or chemical interactions, formulas and equations. Attraction, resonance and attention are really phenomena, experiences or qualities. Referring to them as laws is misleading and harkens back to an outdated science.
For this posting resonance is the main phenomena which works through attraction and attention. Resonance is a basic quality, characteristic or attribute of the Cosmos. From the infinitesimally small to the totally, unimaginably huge all things resonate. They move with and respond to one another. Two or more things which resonate at the same frequency are attracted to one another. In any given moment things, experiences and people are attracted to us according to the vibrational frequencies we are emitting. That is part of how they come into our lives. In addition, what we focus our attention on is brought into our life. When we give our attention to something, we direct our energy toward it and often bring it in.
The first basic underlying assumption of this is that thoughts, ideas, feelings, reactions, and focus are not just momentary neurological events experienced only in the biological brain. They are forms of energy which attract similar forms of energy. They radiate from us and around us all the time. They do not stop at the skull. For example, if I am focused on my anger for a lengthy period of time, I am likely to attract more anger and things to be angry about. In contrast if I am able to feel it and then quickly let the anger go and focus on my sense of love for others, I am more likely to experience more love as it increasingly comes to me. Thoughts are like energetic radio broadcasts from our mind telling the cosmos what we really want.
The second assumption is of a resonant Cosmos. The universe is far more than a series of separate objects sitting passively like polymer balls laying on a pool table waiting to be crashed into by some other object. Modern quantum physics has important contributions to this. Since the time of the Ancient Greeks it has been assumed that the basic building blocks of the universe were tiny point particles called atoms. This is basically the physics most of us learned in high school. However, with the advent of quantum physics this view has evolved in important ways. Michio Kaku, in his book Beyond Einstein, says, “The basic building blocks are infinitesimally small vibrating strings… The answer to the question ‘what is matter?’ is that matter simply consists of particles that are different modes of vibration of the string.” When the string vibrates in one way it is a proton. When the string vibrates in another way it appears as an electron. The vibration determines what exists. At is most basic level the universe is not just some random conglomeration of separate objects which sit inertly in space. Resonance is part of the basic fabric of the universe. Brian Green in The Elegant Universe says “Each elementary particle is a single string and all strings are absolutely identical. Differences between particles arise because their respective strings undergo different vibrational patterns. What appear to be different elementary particles are actually different ‘notes’ on a fundamental string. The universe is composed of an enormous number of vibrating strings akin to a cosmic symphony.”
Understanding resonance, attraction and attention provides an individual with powerful tools for life. What we have is called in by our energy and vibration. We are co-creators of everything in our lives. These phenomena help us to see the depth of our connection to the entire cosmos. Resonance assumes a responsive universe vibrating at every level and with every being. It assumes a deep intimacy with the Divine. This intimacy goes far beyond anything conveyed in commandments, obedience, scripture or religious ritual. What comes to us in life arises not only from hard work, rational thought and will power but from the place where the deepest aspects of our being intersects with the deepest qualities of the Cosmos.
Hi, Graham- I am so glad you are exploring the law of attraction. I am working with someone whose teachings are based on Abraham- Hicks. I am finding some of it difficult. Do we attract everything in our experience? Do people attract abuse, disasters, illness? Did the victims of the Holocaust attract their experience? Is it my ” fault” if I become ill? By thinking about something do we call it into existence? Looking forward to exploring this more. Thank you.
January 5, 2019
Thanks Chris-
I’ll be addressing these things in the next two posts. They are important questions and raise valuable issues.
January 6, 2019