The Resurfacing Partnership Between Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine
This blog entry arises from preparing for an evening workshop I am giving at True North Holistic Retreat Center on August 13 from 7:00-8:30 pm. (Registration link here)
(Note: this is my longest blog entry. I usually keep them under 400 words. I guess I have a hard time containing this material not to mention containing myself about it!!!)
For the past fifty or so years there has been a huge renaissance of interest in the feminine aspect of the Divine. After millennia of vicious repression by the patriarchy, the Divine Feminine is again resurfacing. This may be the single most important spiritual development of our time.
The Divine Feminine has needed to assert itself in its own way in its own time and often did so apart from men so that its future could be self-determined. It has blossomed beautifully over the years and has become increasingly open, confident and powerful in affirming the feminine in life and as a reflection of God itself. During this time there has also been a significant process going on with men reclaiming the masculine from patriarchy, superficial machismo images and demands for special power and privilege. The masculine and feminine within all of us is being refined and matured. There are increasing avenues for the development of these two central forces of the Self and of faces of God in each of us. And part of that development is that they are increasingly seen as co-creators and partners.
One of the authors who speaks most clearly and vibrantly about this is Sera Beak in her wonderful book Red Hot and Holy: A Heretic’s Love Story. This is a book which pulsates with life and vibrates with Spirit. She compares the two qualities in the following 10 ways. (Note: She refers to the Divine Masculine rather than Sacred Masculine. For her DM is short for Divine Masculine and DF is short for Divine Feminine.)
1. DM feels still; DF feels like movement
2. DM feels like no thing; DF feels like everything
3. DM feels impersonal; DF feels personally invested
4. DM feels cool and collected and even a bit chaste; DF feels hot
and bothered and more than a bit salacious
5. DM looks clear; DF shimmers like a rainbow
6. DM works it out on a yoga mat; DF prefers a claw foot bath tub
7. DM drives a Prius: DF drives a convertible and fast
8. DM fasts; DF feasts
9. DM sits cross legged under a tree all day; DF dances around a
fire all night
10. DM feels more spiritual; DF feels more natural
One of the things I truly enjoy and love about this list is that there are no subtle or not so subtle digs toward either side. I also think as I read it that the girls are having more fun than the guys!
From my own perspective the Sacred Masculine has three major qualities or functions. First, the Sacred Masculine is the space keeper for the Divine Feminine. It takes on this protective function not because the Divine Feminine is weak but because the Sacred Masculine knows how much the patriarchy hates the Divine Feminine.
Second, the Sacred Masculine takes a responsive stance to the call for more vibrant life from the Divine Feminine. Third, the Sacred Masculine takes on the role of mountain energy, that is, of stability, fairness and strength seeking the universal truth enclosed in all personal energy.
Finally, this is not simply an excursion into gender differences though that plays a part. But rather is a way to explore the Divine, to make the ineffable concrete, personal and approachable. This uplifts the ordinary to the Cosmic and brings the Universal into the individual human.
In the upcoming workshop we will have a very lively discussion of these ideas. If you’d like to register for the program please go to The cost of the session is $25.00 per person.
Can we suggest that one gives us roots and one gives us wings? Or is it not either/or, maybe it’s both/and? Is it that when we are in the divinely intended balance, we enjoy the benefits of being fully grounded while we soar to new heights?
We here at True North are so looking forward to this workshop on August 13th. Hope everyone reading this blog comes join in the discussion.
July 7, 2014
Thank you for your comment. I have two thoughts: 1. Yes balance is important if we are to be full and whole. We need both of what each gives. 2. I like the sense of the Sacred Masculine as grounded/ mountain energy and the Devine Feminine as having wings. Perhaps in the workshop we will ad to Sera Beak’s list and send the additions to her for comment.
Looking forward to seeing you on August 13th.
July 11, 2014
We all miss out if we do not appreciate the unique qualities of the Other. I like the idea of “roots and wings” that Merry mentions…. though perhaps we are not always dedicated to being one or the other.
July 9, 2014
Thank you also for commenting. And, Yes, not only balance but appreciation for the qualities in the Other. Perhaps, the focus is on being ONE AND THE OTHER. And as I write that I see, that that is what we are, both, not either/ or since both are within all of us all the time.
July 11, 2014
I think perhaps we will really have made some progress when there is no “Other”, no duality, but rather when we see all of creation–people, animals, plants, trees, rocks– as one living organism, one living being. What happens to any one cell within that cosmic being happens to us all. As they say, there is no such thing as a hole in the other guy’s side of the boat! If we can each learn to recognize and celebrate within each other the gifts of the masculine and feminine, then maybe we can see and celebrate those combined gifts within ourselves.
I think it would make an interesting study to look at the divinely ordained expression of “power”. I know what it means for me to stand in my feminine power. In the power of the Goddess. And I believe masculine power is not about aggression or force but about strength and being firmly rooted. Just touching on a deep subject here that I think is widely misunderstood, sometimes by me!
July 25, 2014
If its a battle if oppression, brute force dictates that the feminine must be hidden, beaten and enslaved. As above so below. How can you truly respect a woman and enslave her sisters? Union and Love. Its a worthy goal, but we keep on messing up, sent back to the drawing room time and time again until things are forgotten. And remembered incorrectly.,,
August 21, 2014
You refer to the same history Nina points toward in her comments on the posting about “A Vision of the Sacred Masculine.” And it is a history that we need to know so that we are not doomed to repeat it. “As above so below” is a time honored affirmation and part of an often scorned spirituality which I’m glad you share. But I would want to comment, “As in the past does not mean as in the future.” And it is our task in these times on this planet to increase the light, awareness and love so that the past is not repeated. This is why the SM takes a protective stance toward the DF. The patriarchy is no more dead than its twin of racism. This is not easy or simple but continual dialogue and commitment to shining light is my chosen path.
Once again, thank you for pointing to the shadow, it is ignored at our peril.
August 23, 2014
Tammi, why all the commas?
August 21, 2014
Well, commas, hummmmmmmmmmmm. I guess that is just the way I write. Besides, commas are free. If you use semi-colons they cost $.75 for each one. A perpetual bill which is housed in the Cosmic Bank of Karma for Writers of any kind. And they apply to have it added to your debt of Karma for your next life time. Fortunately this is rarely approved but I’m just being careful. 🙂
Just an attempt at some humor. If any of my grandchildren read this I’m sure they will characterize it as a quite “lame attempt” but nevertheless, it is an attempt.
August 23, 2014