Two Programs

By on Dec 31, 2014 in Workshops | 0 comments

This is essentially an extra post in which I am highlighting two programs I am offering in January. I don’t often advertise my programs through my blog but have decided that this can be an exception.

Program 1:

Meditation Training Workshop:
From Mindful to Soulful to Divine(full)

This workshop is a unique opportunity full of usable skills to enhance meditation practice, spiritual growth and connection to the Divine.

During the day participants will experience approximately eight different forms of meditation. Techniques will include basic mindfulness, breath work, stillness meditation, visualization of a safe place, accessing wisdom figures and guides and an energy boosting The day concluded with meditation for contacting Divine Energy.

This workshop is practical, interactive and engaging. The goal is to empower participants to fully embody their spiritual wisdom and connection to the Divine.

Date: Saturday, January 17, 2015
Time: 9:30 am to 3:00 pm (bring lunch or walk to nearby restaurants during break. Coffee, tea, water provided.)
Cost $80.00 go to to register or call 774-243-6800.
Location: Heart Well Institute, 1015 Pleasant Street, Worcester 01602

Program 2:

The Mystical Partnership Between
The Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine

This program is an evening discussion, sharing and meditation exploring:

• A visualization of alignment with the Divine Feminine.
• Mystical connection as the source of gender expression.
• Seeing the ways in which Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine are allies.
• Searching for the expression of each quality in daily life.
• Ways in which the Sacred Masculine responds to the Divine Feminine’s call for deeper life.

Date: January 23, 2015 (Friday Evening)
Time: 6:00 – 8:30 pm
Cost: $35.00 go to to register or call 774-243-6800.
Location: The Heart Well Institute, 1015 pleasant Street Worcester, Ma

Both of these programs are unique events designed to empower personal and spiritual growth. I urge you to consider attending one or both. If you have any questions about the workshops feel free to call me at 508-829-5510.
The Heartwell Institute is a retreat center located in Worcester. It is a lovely, serene island located in the heart of the city. It is a privilege to lead a workshop in such a place.

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